Single Estate Planning with No Children

Whether you are a young adult, just starting out, or further along in your life’s journey, all adults need basic estate planning documents in place (even single ones!) These include documents like the Durable Power of Attorney, in which you’ll name an agent legally empowered to handle your affairs if you are on a long vacation, or in a long hospital stay. Likewise, you will want a document giving a trusted friend or family member the ability to make medical decisions for you, if you are temporarily unable to communicate. In worst-case scenarios, having Living Will and Preneed Guardian forms in place can save your loved ones a considerable amount of strife and conflict.
Of course, estate planning also includes your Last Will & Testament, as well as instructions for your funeral, and any trust or charitable planning.
Do I need an estate planner if I created my DPOA and other documents online?
An estate planner is invested in their clients’ futures in a way that passive documents cannot be. We help our clients see around corners and avoid blind spots. We are here to help your documents evolve with you, and to help you move toward the legacy you hope to leave.